Simplified procurement,effortless payments.

Simplify procure-to-pay with a unified platform for seamless payment and accounting integration, tailored for Nigerian businesses.

Partners You Can Trust

  • Bill Payments
  • Approval Workflows
  • Purchase Orders
  • Integrations
  • Reporting


Send, track, and schedule your bills effortlessly with Sefara. From payroll to vendor payments, keep a firm grasp on your outgoing funds. Never miss a payment and stay in control.


Ensure payment integrity with customizable approval workflows. Our platform helps you set up the necessary authorizations, so every bill sent out has the right approval, giving you confidence and security.


Customize purchase orders and communicate directly. Orders are confirmed instantly, and suppliers can fulfill them online.


Keep your books in perfect harmony with our automatic sync feature. Every payment directly integrates with popular accounting software, including Xero, QuickBooks, and Sage, ensuring real-time accuracy.


Unlock valuable insights with our robust reporting feature. Keep track of your financial health, spot trends, and make informed decisions to drive your business growth.

Empowering Nigeria's Financial Future

Unlock seamless financial management with Sefara. Schedule a demo today and let Sefara elevate your business.